Photo Credit: Stephanie Merriken / Fortune Most Powerful Women
Event sponsors go out of their way to provide financial assistance so that you can achieve your event goals. A successful event can hinge on the amount of sponsors and assistance they provide. Because of the important role that they play, it is vital to make sure that they get proper recognition and that you show your appreciation. Follow the five tips below to ensure that event sponsors feel valued when participating in your event:
1) Add event sponsors’ names to ALL the event’s media announcements.
Nothing shows appreciation and adds value to your sponsor like putting their name on all the elements of the show. Add their name and logo to all of the following:
a) Social media sources – LinkedIn, FB, Twitter, Pinterest, and all the mobile apps as well.
b) All press releases
c) All printed material
2) Speed Networking Event
If you do a speed networking event, have event sponsors hold a position at tables of interest as the ‘expert’ for their line of service – this gives them credibility and puts them in the position to sell to your attendees without being “salesy”
No one wants to be considered “salesy” and your attendees don’t want to be sold to. This practice is the best way to give your attendees information they are interested in and to allow your sponsors one-on-one time with attendees that are interested in what they offer.
Set up the speed networking event with round tables that have a sign indicating what that table’s hot topic is. Have your sponsor be the expert at that table and invite attendees to sit at the table of interest. Now your sponsor is not a sales person but the Expert – this gives them much more credibility. Make sure your subject matter at each table is different enough not to feature competitors. Of course your highest sponsors get first choice on their subject matter of interest.
3) Have your sponsors speak on their expertise and be the featured speaker for a breakout session
This is a great way to fill your program with speakers that will speak for free. This method also sets your sponsors up for success. A well delivered presentation will automatically make them the expert in the field and people will approach them for more information following their speech.
4) Screen Time During Breaks or Transitions
Use the walk in and out of your general session as time to flash event sponsors names on screen – this builds sponsor loyalty. They are your audience and funders for your show; show them the LOVE!
The screens in your general, opening, and closing sessions should be used to the fullest. There will be approximately 30 minutes before the event that guests will be entering the room and getting situated. Use the visual space to thank sponsors, do light housekeeping, remind attendees of special events or breakout meetings, but really use that time for sponsorships. If your sponsors have commercials or YouTube movies, you could play those as well.
5) Give Them Stage Time
For your presenting sponsor – let them introduce your keynote speaker. For example, imagine you are bringing in the best NFL football coach to ever live and he’s talking about how to produce winning teams and be a great leader. What sponsor wouldn’t want to introduce this guy?? It’s all about association. Being the sponsor associated with the NFL football coach with the most wins, places your sponsor in a great position to look like the winner as well. Done right, that sponsor will be sure to sponsor your other events in the future.
For more tips on creating amazing opportunity for your sponsors, please contact Tracy Fuller, Innovativevents, Inc
Photo Credit: Stephanie Merriken / Fortune Live Media / Flickr / Creative Commons