PrEVENT Getting Sick at Events

By November, 2014Tips & Advice

Sneezing (mcfarlandmo)

Photo taken by mcfarlandmo

Staying healthy during cold and flu season is not a simple task, especially when you find yourself attending meetings and conferences surrounded by others who could be carrying germs. The best method of beating the cold or flu is to prevent them in the first place! Follow our tips below to prepare yourself to prevent getting sick at meetings, events, and conferences:

1) Preparation & Prevention

Clean hands

  • When you are at public events you likely come in contact with a lot of germs. Practice what your parents always preached and wash your hands! Wash after using the restroom, before eating, or any other instance where you feel like the cleanliness of your hands is debatable. If you don’t have easy access to soap and water keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer nearby! You might encourage elbow bumps like the crew on a cruise ship – this prevents the spread of germs through handshakes.

Handkerchiefs or tissues

  • Treat others as you would want to be treated. If you are sneezing and have a runny nose, be prepared by having something readily available to wipe it for goodness sakes! Others will appreciate your action to prevent the spread of germs much as you would them. Another good practice is sneezing into the bend of your elbow – this keeps handshakes more healthy!

Stay hydrated

  • Dehydration leaves your body vulnerable to negative outside germy influences. Even if the day is jam packed with meetings and informational sessions, don’t forget to drink your personal recommended amount of water (half of your body weight in ounces!)

Dress in layers

  • Subjecting the body to conditions it doesn’t find ideal is another way to leave it vulnerable. Start the morning dressed in layers so that you can add or subtract clothing in order to create the perfect temp your body prefers.

Emergency cold/flu travel kit

  • On top of the other necessary items previously mentioned it never hurts to bring along antacids, over-the-counter pain relievers, throat lozenges or cough drops, nasal sprays, and any preferential immune boosters.

Get vaccinated

  • If you can’t control who you are going to come in contact with and expect to be around a lot of people, getting a vaccine may be your best bet. This way if you are stuck on a plane, train, or automobile with someone that seems alarmingly sick then your chances of catching it aren’t as high.

2) Rest (ha, we know, you’re likely the planner and there is little time for this but rest on either side of you event if possible.)

On top of everything else, make sure you do not deprive yourself of sleep. This may be difficult when you are networking to your heart’s desire, but remember that your brain and immune system need the rest to be in tip top shape to fight off possible health threats.

3) Drink in moderation

Don’t go too crazy at the open bar or mini fridge in your room. This again leads to dehydration and could make any following meetings or human interactions difficult to handle.

4) Make healthy choices

As tempting as the plate of cookies are or the endless confections at the dessert tables, make sure to practice moderation. If your body is not used to an influx of sweets, it will likely create a reaction that will leave you out for the count. If you’re the meeting planner, plan healthy for your attendees.

5) Exercise!

Exercise helps keep your body in tip top operating shape and can give you a much needed boost of energy to make it through the long days. So take advantage of the hotel exercise rooms or find a way to do a mini routine in your hotel room.

What are your go-to methods of preventing colds and flus at meetings and events?

photo credit: mcfarlandmo via photopin cc